S 2016 Spring - 2
Hall of Fame “Joe”
With family and friends in attendance, MacDon founder Joseph Andrew MacDonald (1924–1991) was inducted posthumously into the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) Hall of Fame, November 4th, 2015. The honor was part of AEM’s Annual Conference in Miami, Florida, and is reserved for pioneering individuals who “collectively represent some of the best, brightest and most influential minds in the history of the off-road equipment industry. ” To date only 55 people in the world have been inducted.

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S 2016 Spring - 4
Flexible Economics
Upgrading to a larger combine; this is the straight-line solution for many farmers needing an increase in harvesting productivity. But is going up in combine class always the best option? Not if you are Jeff Hoiness (pronounced highness) who, along with many other fellow Saskatchewan farmers have decided that a better solution is to upgrade their current combine’s header for something wider.

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S 2016 Spring - 3
No Mow Limits
It’s funny how life is. We can persist using the same brand of product for years, even when we know that there might be something better out there. But then one day something happens that forces us to try something different and once we do, we never go back. Ivan Hissong had an epiphany like that back in the fall of 2011 when Halloween delivered both a trick and a treat to his dairy farm in south central Pennsylvania, which he runs with his father Dennis, uncle Larry and cousins Andy and Kirby, along with 15 employees.

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S 2015 Fall - 3
R1 Explained
OUR SOLUTION...ALLOWS THE OPERATOR TO REDUCE THE WIDTH OF THE MACHINE FROM 13’ OR 16’ WIDE DOWN TO 9’ WIDE IN ONLY ABOUT 30 SECONDS The first quarter of 2016 will see the all new R1 Pull-Type Disc Mower start production at MacDon’s manufacturing facility in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It is the result of more than three years of intensive research and design, and will replace MacDon’s current Pull-Type Disc Mower, the R85.

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S 2015 Fall - 2
Breathe Easy
YOU KIND OF HAVE TO GO THROUGH A REVERSE THINKING; HOW DO WE GROW THIS WEED INSTEAD OF HOW DO WE KILL IT? As Local Collection Supervisor for ALK, an international pharmaceutical company based in Denmark, Julian Helmke oversees ALK’s Source Materials operation near Plummer, Idaho. The 600 acre (243 ha) operation is responsible for collecting pollen from a wide range of common allergy inducing plants. 

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S 2015 Fall - 4
Scotland the Brave
WE WOULD TRAVEL THE EARTH TO FIND THE EQUIPMENT WE WANT. MACDON® HAS ALWAYS BEEN AHEAD OF THE GAME COMPARED TO THEIR COMPETITORS. Raising hogs is a messy business. With each finishing pig producing up to 18.5 gallons (70 liters) of slurry a week and sows even more; pork producers are constantly challenged with what to do with all that muck.

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