Pessoas, paixão e produtos fizeram da MacDon o que é hoje. Explore histórias que celebram as pessoas que imaginam, constroem e utilizam os nossos equipamentos, os produtos inovadores que moldam o futuro da colheita e as relações estabelecidas ao longo do caminho. Descubra informações sobre produtos, os lançamentos mais recentes da MacDon e instruções úteis projetadas para manter você colhendo com desempenho máximo e obtendo mais com MacDon.
Award-Winning Harvesting Performance, Times Three!
MacDon wins three AE50 awards for the FD261 FlexDraper, FC Series FlexCorn, and the R1 FR Front Mount. Neil Barnett explains how MacDon's history of building relationships and bringing real-world in-field value to producers through innovation is what really drives our success.
MacDon How To - M2 Series Windrower Eco Engine Control
Receba notícias, ofertas, anúncios de produtos e muito mais do MacDon diretamente na sua caixa de entrada.
What's New - MacDon D2 Series for Windrower
Getting Wise With MacDon
Australian farmer Lance Wise knows a MacDon FlexDraper® is a good investment, and he's telling the world!
MacDon How To - Set Float & Wing Balance on FD2
How to set the float & wing balance on your FD2 Series FlexDraper® header.
MacDon How To - Install Stubble Lights
How to install stubble lights on your FD2 Series FlexDraper® header.
MacDon Agricultural Equipment Now Featured in Farming Simulator 25: A New Era for Virtual Farming
MacDon How To - FD2 CNH Combine Integration
Learn how to integrate your FD2 Series FlexDraper® with Case New Holland combines.
FD261 FlexDraper®: You're Going to Need a Bigger Shed!
MacDon Owner: Schemper Harvesting & Trucking
JC Schemper of Schemper Harvesting & Trucking has MacDon draper headers but decided to give the corn headers a try. Here's what he has to say about the MacDon C Series Headers.