Когда дело принимает крутой оборот, наша техника продолжает работать.
Культуры с низко расположенными стручками, поникшие спутанные или полеглые культуры. Полотняные жатки MacDon серии D обеспечивают исключительные параметры уборки в любых ситуациях. Жатки серии D — это идеальное решение для уборки разных видов культур: зерновых, масличных, травянистых или бобовых. Благодаря сенной плющилке MacDon HC10 данные жатки могут обрабатывать полосу сена и кормовых культур шириной до 30 футов (9,1 м) за один проход. Такой действенный подход, сочетающий надежность и производительность техники MacDon, является причиной того, что полотняные жатки MacDon прекрасно подходят для многих современных эксплуатационных реалий.
*Некоторые товары и/или варианты продаются не на всех рынках. Обратитесь к дилеру MacDon за дополнительной информацией о наличии. Некоторые из используемых изображений могут относиться к другой модели с аналогичной/похожей функцией.
• Постоянное "сбривание" культур- низкопрофильный ножевой брус С формы
• Запатентованное MacDon движение подбирающего мотовила
MacDon's patented pick-up reel has been engineered to deliver outstanding performance. The unique movement of our reel confidently picks up and gently places crop onto the draper. Along with 4 cam positions, header tilt control, and fore-aft reel positioning, this reel can be adjusted to meet the toughest harvesting challenges.
Advanced Draper Technology
MacDon’s draper system features heavy-duty drive components designed to handle the heaviest crop loads. Large capacity motors and tungsten carbide ribs on the steel drive rollers provide serious conveying power. The double V-guides keep the drapers tracking perfectly, and makes them reversible for twice the amount of in-field use.
A Consistently Close Shave
MacDon’s patented C-shaped low profile cutter bar design allows ground level cutting for the most consistently close shave of your fields. Featuring the proven reliability of MacDon's Wobble Box knife drive, the self-contained hydraulic system gives you more control with an optional knife reverser, and standard knife speed control that can be adjusted on-the-go to match harvesting conditions.
Excellent for Hay & Forage (A Multi-Crop Harvesting Solution)
MacDon’s optional HC10 Hay Conditioner transforms D Series Headers into high performance hay and forage harvesting machines. Add on MacDon’s optional Double Windrow Attachment to place up to three passes of the header into a single windrow. This translates into significant time and fuel savings.
More Performance Options
Upper Cross Auger: Attached in front of the back tube, the upper cross auger improves feeding of crop to the center in heavy, bushy, and high volume crop conditions.
Cutterbar Wear Plate: For wet harvesting conditions with soft ground, these poly skids guide the cutterbar over the field reducing mud build-up.
Stub Guards: Stub guards mount directly to the cutterbar to improve cutting performance in tough, stringy grass type crops, and crops that need to be cut close to the ground.
Single or double knife (depending on size and application) / Hydraulic, MacDon design enclosed oil bath Wobble Box(es) / Single knife windrower 1300 to 1500 spm, double knife windrower 1500 to 1900 spm, single knife combine 1050 to 1400 spm, double knife combine 1100 to 1700 spm (speed varies depending on header size, faster knife speed on smaller headers or double knife headers)
Guard Types Available
Pointed DHT (double heat-treated), pointed CH (case-hardened), stub SM (sheet metal hold-down, forged bottom guard), stub F (forged top and bottom)
Reel: Type / Drive / Speed / Fingers
Model pick-up reel, 5 or 6 bat, 2 piece (double) or single, flip-over design, cam-leading finger control / Hydraulic / SP windrower 0 to 85 rpm, combine 0 to 67 rpm (varies depending on combine model) / HD plastic, 152 mm (6") spacing, 279 mm (11") length
Conveyor: Type / Drive / Speed / Delivery
1057 mm (41.6") wide 680.4 g (24 oz) rubber skim-coated drapers, reversible double V-guide with tracking, integral seal on leading edge / Hydraulic / Windrower 0 to 742ft/min, combine 0 to 464 ft/min / Mechanical or hydraulic deck shift (SP windrower only), opening width 1539 mm (60.6") to 1948 mm (76.7")
Field Installed Options
Upper cross auger, stabilizer wheels, and other specialty option kits
*All Listed Weights Are Approximations And Will Vary Depending On Header Configuration.
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✓до 10.7 m (35')
✓4m (13')*
✓до 10.7 m (35')
✓4.9m (16')
✓4m (13')*
✓4.9m (16')
* Сдваиватель Валков Не Доступен
** Жатка R2 Для Семенных Трав Не Совместима С Косилкой М205